

Tracing the Creative DNA of Copyrighted Works in Generative AI

Geanie’s inspiration comes directly from the principles of DNA profiling and ancestry tracing

Developed by
IAIAI Technologies

Independent Artists Informing Artificial Intelligence

Much like how DNA profiles are distinctive to individuals, the Geanie system generates a digital creative DNA profile for artists works, creating a curated collection of copyright DNA profiles and associated training permissions.

At IAIAI Technologies, we believe in empowering independent artists. It's not just about technological advancement, it's about the reformation of an industry to better serve and recognise its most vital contributors, the artists.

Similar to how human DNA traces heritage and lineage, the Geanie system analyses the digital DNA of derivatives generated by AI models to identify sources that specifically influenced those derivatives. Our patented system not only safeguards copyrighted works but also ensures that copyright holders receive due recognition for their contributions to AI generated content.

Geanie is an innovative platform that addresses the growing challenges of copyright protection in AI generated music. By creating a unique 'creative DNA' for each original musical work, Geanie allows for the precise tracking of AI generated music back to its original source, ensuring fair attribution and safeguarding intellectual property.

As AI continues to impact the music industry, Geanie offers a solution to critical issues such as copyright infringement and artist attribution. By embedding a secure, traceable digital DNA signature in every track, Geanie helps to protect the rights of artists, ensuring that AI generated content respects the integrity of their work.

Human authorship is a bedrock requirement of copyright.
Federal Judge Beryl Howell, United States Federal District Court for the District of Columbia
It is the choice of the creator and the rightsholder if and how to allow the use of their intellectual property. This basic principle relating to consent should not be undermined.
Tom Kiehl Interim Chief Executive UK Music, letter to Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street, London Oct 30th 2023
The U.S. Copyright Office was correct in denying copyright protections to a work that was created entirely without human involvement.
Federal Judge Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
In the case where a work has been generated by an artificial intelligence system, it is imperative to affix the mention "work generated by AI" as well as to insert the name of the authors of the works that allowed to achieve such a work.
PROPOSED LAW, Article L. 121-2 of the Intellectual Property Code, France Sept 12th 2023.